Founders Tab
Ibrahim Phiri and Ryuya Nakai, both in their mid-20s, are serial entrepreneurs based in New York City sharing a profound love for tennis. Ibrahim, raised in Southern Africa, and Ryuya, born in Japan, aim to forge a lasting connection between their two cultures through their shared passion.
All efforts are dedicated to fostering tennis for future generations in Southern Africa and promoting intercultural relations by extending a warm invitation to Japanese players and players from around the world. Through the IPN Tennis Tour, there is a vision to both cultivate tennis in Africa and create a cultural bridge between their communities.
IPN Philosophy
Disagreement is not oppression. Argument is not assault. Words – even provocative or repugnant ones – are not violence. The answer to speech we do not like is more speech.

Who Can Participate
Honestly, everyone. As long as you are a competitive player, please do join. Men and women from planet Earth. Competitive is obviously subjective but do understand that you will be competing against top players from other countries.
To participate in the tour one requires an IPN Player ID. As an IPN player, you’ll be eligible to participate in our action-filled tournaments throughout the year, see and experience the beauty that is Southern Africa in between your matches or perhaps as you drive to the next tournament: whilst you pocket some nice cash for the adventure that is life.
Get Your IPN Player IDIndividual
Once you have secured your IPN Player ID, participating in the individual events only requires an entry fee of $18 per tournament. Every match you play, and every win you take home contributes to your IPN Rankings. Earning points in tournaments not only supplements your standing, but dramatically increases your chances of earning a coveted IPN sponsorship.
Tournament Access